The City and the ‘Burbs: The Battle Continues
In the twilight of the past Detroit Tigers baseball season - the time when
there was fast fading yet lingering hope for a playoff spot - I attended a
college alumni event at Comerica Park. The pre-game event took
place at one of the picnic party decks. I attended alone, and not spotting
anyone I knew, sat down with a group of friendly looking name-tag people and
proceeded to enjoy my ballpark hot dog and hamburger. Light cocktail party
type conversation ensued as my new companions and I struggled to read the
name tags in the harshness of the setting sun. The distinguished looking
coiffed brunette sitting across from me remarked that she had recently
served two terms as mayor of an upscale suburb north of the City. She then
mentioned that her children lived in California. I remarked that I had
recently moved back to Michigan from the Los Angeles area. The former
suburban mayor politely asked me "And what community do you live in?" "I
live right down the street from here - in Brush Park," I replied. "In fact
I rode my bicycle down to the park tonight." The FSM looked at me for a few
seconds (it felt much longer) with a speechless mannequinesque stare. Like
she was waiting for the punchline of a joke. The kind of stare I'd expect if
I had told her I just landed from Mars. I briefly thought that maybe the
FSM didn't hear me. The FSM stirred, and in a prosecutorial tone, said,
"Well, I need to ask you some questions." At least she didn't try to tell
me I was under oath!
Question #1: "Where do you shop for groceries?"
Reply: "I regularly shop at the Eastern Market." I also pointed out that
there are stores in the Eastern Market vicinity, such as the butcher shops
in the Gratiot Central Market, that are open thoughout the week. "My
favorite market is the Honey Bee / La Colmena Market in Mexicantown on
Bagley." The FSM didn't acknowledge my response, and rapidly turned to the
next question.
Question #2: "Where do you go for dry cleaning?"
Reply: "I went to University Cleaners on Cass and Forest earlier today.
Next to Wayne State." Again, no response from the FSM.
Question #3: "Ok. Where is your doctor's office?"
Reply: Getting in to the rhythm of the cross-examination, I officiously
responded, "My physician is at the Henry Ford Hospital complex on West Grand
Blvd. My eye doctor's office is on Woodward next to the Detroit Medical
Center. In fact I can see his office from my balcony."
The FSM gave me the "no further questions for this witness" look and turned
away to talk to someone else. I doubt the FSM believed a word I said.
I was dismayed - even angered - at the ignorance of the FSM. Uncharitably I
thought, she probably lives in a suburban "little boxes" community,
gets on an expressway in her tinted windows SUV, and then
magically winds up at Comerica Park, the DSO, the Fox, the Joe, or some
other downtown venue. Without seeing anything but cars, trucks, and Exit
signs in between. She probably thinks that the only people who actually
live in the City are those who are too poor or maybe too deranged (me?) to
get out.
My much more rational sister had a much more rational response than me. She
suggested that I look upon conversations with people like the FSM as an
opportunity to educate. She pointed out that the FSM and others like her
have read about the new lofts and housing developments downtown, but have
never actually met someone who lives there. Someone like me. And my sister
is probably right. I shouldn't be angry at people like the FSM. I should
work to educate them.
On the other hand, the next time I’m asked "Where do you shop
for groceries?" I think I’ll answer "meals on wheels."