The following letter appeared in the Detroit News, December 21, 2011
DECEMBER 21, 2011 AT 1:00 AM
Letters: Detroit should accept help
Rather than welcome the governor initiating a financial review of Detroit's finances, Mayor Bing, with the City Council standing behind him, called a news conference to exclaim that "Detroit needs to be run by Detroiters" (Dec. 2). Well, Mayor Bing, I am a Detroiter. I pay income taxes, utility taxes, and property taxes, and what do I receive in return? Street lights that don't work, buses that frequently don't run on schedule. In fact, I can't think of a single city agency or department, including the police, that provides even adequate services. Most importantly, Detroit needs to be run for Detroiters. I welcome the governor's intervention in this financial crisis.
Thomas E. Page, Detroit