I sent the following letter to the Detroit News in response to the article announcing the lease of Belle Isle to the State of Michigan.
Dear Editor:
I completely support the lease of Belle Isle to the State of Michigan. And I thank Governor Snyder and Emergency Manager Orr for moving forward on this win-win agreement. Unfortunately, some City Council members continue to espouse the ridiculous point of view that this lease is attempt by the State to steal the City's jewels. The City hasn't done a good job of maintaining, much less improving, Belle Isle for many years. I am a regular user of Belle Isle, usually on a bicycle. I am hopeful that this lease will lead to regular and continuous sweeping of broken glass from the Belle Isle bridge and the paths on the Isle itself. Hopefully, the City will use the $6 million dollars it annually (supposedlLy) spent on Belle Isle maintenance to improve other parks, such as Chandler Park and Rouge Park.
I am as excited by the prospect of an improved Belle Isle as I am by the prospect of a new City Council in November! I will relish the day that the leader of the "Gang of No," Councilwoman Joann Watson, leaves the City Council.
Thomas E. Page