Sunday, February 03, 2013

Re: Detroit City Council's rejection of the Belle Isle lease
Letters sent to the Detroit Free Press and Detroit News

Dear Editor:

The legendary baseball manager Casey Stengel famously said in
frustration over the ineptitude of the NY Mets, "Can't anyone here
play this game?" In a decision worthy of the 1962 NY Mets, the Detroit
City Council looked a gift-horse in the mouth and rejected a win-win
Belle Isle lease agreement with the State. The City would have saved
approximately $7 million a year, and Belle Isle would have been
maintained and improved at no cost to the City. Saving $7 million is
the same as earning $7 million.  I hope the City Council is not
surprised when the Governor, after getting sand kicked in his face,
appoints an Emergency Manager for the City. I hope that day comes

As Casey Stengel rhetorically asked, I too wonder if there's anyone on
the City Council who can "play this game." With the exception of
Council members Brown, Jenkins, and Tate, the answer is a resounding
"NO." We will not forgive nor forget those Council members who
rejected the Belle Isle lease. The November election can't come soon

Thomas E. Page

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