Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Citizens Fed Up With Crime

The following was sent in response to an article highlighting citizens being fed up with crime.  Here's a link to the article:  http://detnews.com/article/20101026/METRO/10260322/Fed-up-with-crime--Detroiters-fight-back

Letter to the editor, Detroit News, sent on October 26, 2010

Dear editor:
The typical Detroit Police Department three-part response to crime is this: (1) Blame the victims;  (2) Complain about how busy they are, citing the number of 911 calls; and (3) Whine about how short of officers the Department is.  Here's what the Department should do: Blame the criminals, seek them out, and arrest them. Screen 911 calls and only dispatch officers when an on-scene response is actually needed - not "24 minutes" from the time of the call, but now. Finally, better deploy your officers. Detroit has more officers per capita than many cities, including Los Angeles. Use uniformed civilians to tow vehicles, direct traffic at sporting events, and lift fingerprints.
Chief Godbee discourages citizens from making arrests. The difference between the TV Detroit Police Officers on "Detroit 187" and real officers is that the "Detroit 187" officers actually seek out criminals to arrest them.  In spite of many dedicated, hard-working, and innovative officers, I have no confidence in the willingness and ability of the Detroit Police Department to have an impact on crime. It's time to consider merging the DPD with the Wayne County Sheriff's Department. An elected sheriff in charge of law enforcement would bring accountability to policing.
Thomas E. Page
Retired, Los Angeles Police Department

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