Monday, February 21, 2011

I e-mailed the following letter to the Detroit Free Press. The letter is in reference to last night and today's major snow/ice storm.

Dear editor:

Those who doubt the need for a rail link from downtown Detroit to the Airport need only contemplate the results of Monday's snow emergency. Many freeway entrances and exits are closed due to accumulations of ice, snow, and vehicle crashes. As a result, many can't get to the airport in time to make their flights. And woe is the person who arrives at the airport expecting a family member or friend to pick them up. I hope it's not just wishful thinking to expect the Detroit region to join other cities and finally build an efficient commuter train system that connects with a Woodward Avenue, M1, light rail. If this region is to regain any economic vibrancy, mass transit is a must.

Here's the letter that was actually published in the February 23, 2011 paper:
Stuck in snow? It’s why we need transit

Those who doubt the need for a rail link from downtown Detroit to Metro Airport need only contemplate the results of Monday’s snow emergency.

Many freeway entrances and exits were closed due to ice, snow and vehicle crashes. Many could not get to the airport in time to make their flights. And woe the people who arrive at the airport expecting family members or friends to pick them up.

I hope it’s not wishful thinking to expect the Detroit region to join other cities and finally build an efficient commuter train system that connects with a Woodward Avenue M1 light rail system. If this region is to regain any economic vibrancy, mass transit is a must.

Thomas E. Page Detroit

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