Tuesday, November 01, 2011

High Speed Bus Proposal

I sent the following letter to the Detroit Free Press on November 1, 2011. The letter was in response to a Matt Helms article reporting the Governor's support of high-speed bus service on major Detroit-area roadway arteries. Here's a link to the Helms article: http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2011111010328

Dear Editor: 
I support Governor Snyder's proposal to establish a network of high speed buses on major arteries in the Detroit area. As a start, SMART should implement affordable express bus service from Detroit's downtown/midtown hotel and event district to Metro Airport. Currently, the only bus service from downtown to the airport is SMART Route 125. And that takes an hour and 40 minutes on a bus with no luggage capacity. Even that inferior service is in jeopardy due to SMART's proposed cuts. Undoubtedly, the taxi and Metro Car lobby, and the operators of public and private parking lots will attempt to obstruct and prevent any express bus service to the airport. And that's a shame, because a vibrant and diversified transportation system isn't a luxury in today's urban environment. It's a necessity. 

Thomas E. Page

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