Saturday, August 04, 2012

Belle Isle? Yes, the State should take it over!

Letter to Detroit News regarding State Aid to Belle Isle 

August 3, 2012
Re: "Rally targets Belle Isle lease," August 2, 2012

 Dear editor:
 Contrary to the rants of Councilman Kenyatta and the (his words) "just say no trio," I'm confident that the great majority of Detroiters are thrilled at the prospect of the State of Michigan leasing Belle Isle for 99 years. Under the State's plan, the City will maintain actual ownership, while the operations, including maintenance will be the responsibility of the State. It's long overdue for the City Council's trio of naysayers, Kenyatta, Watson, and Jones, to face the reality of a broke City that does not have the resources to provide the most basic services. Rather, this trio continues to rail against the straw man of "control" to divert attention from truly pressing problems, such as public safety and lighting. If the City Council and Mayor Bing truly had the interests of Detroiters at heart, they would be welcoming the State's help with open arms. Also disappointingly, Mayor Bing has been far less than enthusiastic in welcoming the State's help in demolishing vacant and dangerous buildings near schools. Nor has the Mayor welcomed the assignment of State Troopers to our City. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Unfortunately, our City leaders seem hell-bent on repeating history.
 Thomas Page, Detroit

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