Tuesday, September 24, 2013

No hotel shuttle service from the Metro Airport to downtown Detroit

I sent the following letter to the Detroit News in response to the following article.  http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20130917/METRO01/309170022

Dear Editor:

The Wayne County Airport Authority is obviously much more concerned with enhancing revenue from parking spaces, taxi and Metro Car contracts, and rental car fees than with being the economic engine it purports to be. The lack of affordable and reliable transportation from the airport to downtown is a disgrace. This lack discourages tourists, conventioneers, and conferences from coming to our City. I belong to a number of professional group that have annual meetings. Suggestions that they meet in Detroit are often met with, "How will we get downtown from the airport?" A reasonably priced reliable express bus service from the airport to downtown is the least the airport should provide. 

Thomas E. Page

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